Wednesday, January 2, 2013

my blog

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program 
is a human development program of the national government that invests in the health and education of poor households, particularly of children aged 0-14 years old. 

Patterned after the conditional cash transfer scheme implemented in other developing countries, the Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to beneficiaries provided that they comply with the set of conditions required by the program.

Pantawid Pamilya has dual objectives:
  • Social Assistance - to provide cash assistance to the poor to alleviate their immediate need (short term poverty alleviation); and
  • Social Development - to break the intergenerational poverty cycle through investments in human capital.
Pantawid Pamilya helps to fulfill the country’s commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals, namely:
  1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
  2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
  3. Promote Gender Equality
  4. Reduce Child Mortality
  5. Improve Maternal Health

Targeting System
The poorest households in the municipalities are selected through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) implemented by the DSWD using the Proxy Means Test. This test determines the socio-economic category of the families by looking at certain proxy variables such as ownership of assets, type of housing, education of the household head, livelihood of the family and access to water and sanitation facilities.
Eligible Households
  1. Households who are classified as poor based on the NHTS-PR at the time of assessment
  2. Households that have children 0-14 years old and/or have a pregnant woman at the time of assessment
  3. Households that agree to meet conditions specified in the program.

Set of Co-Responsibilities
To avail of the cash grants beneficiaries should comply with the following conditions: 
  1. Pregnant women must avail pre- and post-natal care and be attended during childbirth by a trained health professional;
  2. Parents must attend Family Development Sessions (FDS);
  3. 0-5 year old children must receive regular preventive health check-ups and vaccines;
  4. 3-5 year old children must attend day care or pre-school classes at least 85% of the time.
  5. 6-14 year old children must enroll in elementary or high school and must attend at least 85% of the time.
  6. 6-14 years old children must receive deworming pills twice a year.
Program Coverage
Pantawid Pamilya operates in 79 provinces covering 1,261 municipalities and 138 key cities in all 17 regions nationwide. 

The program has 3,014,586 registered households as of 27 June 2012.

Program Coverage
Pantawid Pamilya operates in 79 provinces covering 1,261 municipalities and 138 key cities in all 17 regions nationwide. 

The program has 3,014,586 registered households as of 27 June 2012.

Program Cycle
The implementation of Pantawid Pamilya Program follows the 8-step cycle starting from the 1) selection of target areas, 2) supply side assessment, 3) selection of household beneficiaries, 4) registration and validation of beneficiaries, 5) Family Registry preparation, 6) initial payment, 7) verification of compliance and 8) 2nd and succeeding release of cash grants.

Program Package
Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to the beneficiaries to wit:
  • P6,000 a year or P500 per month per household for health and nutrition expenses; and
  • P3000 for one school year or 10 months or P300/month per child for educational expenses. A maximum of three children per household is allowed.
A household with three qualified children receives a subsidy of P1,400/month during the school year or P15,000 annually as long as they comply with the conditionalities. The cash grants shall be received by the most responsible person in the household, usually the mother, through a Land Bank cash card.

In cases where payment through cash card is not feasible, the beneficiaries shall be provided their cash grants through an alternative payment scheme such as over-the-counter transactions from the nearest Landbank branch or offsite payments through Landbank. Cash grants are also released through other rural banks, Globe Remit, Philpost, First Consolidated Bank and other Cooperative Financial Institutions (CFI) especially in far-flung areas.

kindly watch this video for further information about the 4P's and how it helped poor Filipino people. :-)

-------------->>>>>>>THIS IS A DOCUMENTARY VIDEO.......

 My comment about 4P's: I really appreciate that the government made a 4p's program(Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) because it is very useful in the fact that it can help a lot of unfortunate people here in the Philippines. Its very favorable to my part because as Filipino citizen, I also have concern to the needy people who have not enough basic needs in life. I hope and pray that this project will not be last and ended, and it will continue to activate from this generation to future's generation.


  1. I truly agree with this program...this program is really effective in the sense that it can help less fortunate people, mostly people who have nothing in life(financially).good job girl!!! :-)
    more power and God bless
  2. i also agree on this program,it can help people who needs help financially and it help childrens to be in school. :)
  3. tnx for inviting me to view your blog.
    this program implemented by the government is nice and helpful..
    it help a lot of people especially poor filipino people...
    I salute to this...:-)
  4. yeah you're all right.. its nice to know that our government has this program...
  5. yeah ur ryt i also agree with this program of the government it helps a lot :)
  6. i salute this program that the government implement nowadays!!

    implementing this makes the poor filipinos to uplift their lives!:):)
  7. i really agree this program:) i salute you for this! it serves us a pathway to know more about(4P's). MORE POWER TO YOU!
  8. i agree. 4Ps is quite helpful but the government should think of a more long term solution to eradicate poverty.
  9. A very well done project! i'm glad that it was implemented by the government. GREAT JOB!
  10. wow! i was really surprise about this blog. Each one of us should agree this program. and be part of it.
  11. We all know that 4Ps is a human development program of the national government that invests in the health and education of poor households, particularly of children aged 0-14 years old. I absolutely salute you for making this blog .it is really a well done work!
  12. 4Ps was a good program that would help the poor or the unfortunate people in our country. The government should give there 101% support for this program. GOD BLESS:)
  13. i was really impress! nice work! we must all have our support, not only the government, cu'z we are one nation. we must help our nation and we just need to give the country a head start into the wider world with simple things,
  14. indeed this program that was implemented is a great help to the people. So w must be thankful enough for this.
  15. can i have your personal critique on the said program.. to what extent u think the role of 4P's a life-sustaining program of government? does it mean that by having 4P's it will help to eliminate poverty?
    1. -I can say that the said program of the government helps a lot to those people who belongs to the less income family because this program helps provide the needs of these family especially in their health and medicines.
      -I dint think so that 4P's is a life sustaining program of the government because for me it all depends in the availability of funds wherein a lot of poor Filipino family are enjoying it.
      -The 4P's program only helps the poor people thus preventing the concern people in doing bad and making problems in the society. It will not just eliminate the poverty but it will minimize the poverty as well because the family has a support from the government.
      -But one thing that bothers in my mind is that what kind of people does the government really help? They say they help the poor families but there are families(considering they are poor even if they are not)pretending to be a poor even if they can sustain their own lives.
  16. THIS program is actually great :)
  17. This program has good intention but I don't think it's much of a help to the Filipino family. It will just help them be lazy and will ended up in waiting for the money allotted for them.
    Establishing Livelihood programs is more fit to do the job. In this way, each capable family member can work without being dependent on the government's money.
  18. this program is the best way of helping Filipinos who are in needs especially health, and education problems.. Through this they can have their medicines , money for individual needs.


  1. this was such a wonderful program to help those who's in need especially the people here in the phil. It's very clear in the fact that it gave those poor people a cash grants,education to their children and so forth.... :-)

  2. This is one of the successful program that our government establish. It helps a lot to those people who are in the midst of poverty but in contrast this can make people lazy (they only wait for the money to come). Some family members(parents) will not work hard to earn their income..

  3. 4p's was really helpful indeed to those less income people...the said program was absolutely great that's why i can say that it totally give a great impact to those people who needed this program.
